

6th and 13th November 2024



Coaching Skills for Youth Workers (Online)

A powerful approach that enhances your ability to unlock potential.

This course is offered at a subsidised rate as part of Kinharvie’s charitable commitment to supporting young people. (For more information see the 'Who is this programme for' section below). 

The International Coach Federation defines coaching as, 'partnering with clients in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential'.

At Kinharvie, we believe coaching to be an invaluable support to young people as they navigate the many transitions of their journey from adolescence to adulthood. Effective coaching provides a space for young people to:

  • Make sense of the challenges and opportunities in their lives
  • Understand and take ownership of their personal power and potential 
  • Set goals and consider the next steps on their chosen path to adulthood 

Join us for this Coaching Skills for Youth Workers course and enhance your ability to unlock the potential of the young people you are working alongside. 

Why you need to join us:

  • Learn coaching skills and how you can use them to equip young people as they find their own path and solutions
  • Build confidence in your ability to support and challenge others to articulate and achieve their development goals
  • Practise coaching in a supportive learning environment and receive live feedback from Kinharvie's experienced instructors
  • Form a learning community with youth workers from across the country


  • Differences between Coaching, Mentoring and Counselling
  • Taking a Coaching Approach as a Youth Worker
  • Structure of a Coaching Intervention 
  • Active Listening
  • Effective Questioning
  • Powerful Statements
  • Working with Emotion 
  • Goal Setting & Planning for Action 
  • Coaching Skills Practice


This programme is delivered over 2 days online using Zoom and Kinharvie Virtual Learning Space.


9.30am - 4.30pm 

Who is this programme for?

This subsidised Coaching Skills for Youth Workers course is exclusively for individuals in a role working directly with young people (aged 16-25). We ask that all participants of this course complete a pre-course questionnaire* detailing the nature of your role supporting young people (aged 16-25), your motivations for joining the course and how you will ensure your learning from the course will be used to benefit the development of young people. 

*This questionnaire will be sent to you upon booking the course. We ask that this be completed by 6pm on Monday 28th October. Failure to return the completed questionnaire by Monday 28th October will be viewed as an indication that the prospective delegate wishes to cancel their requested place or transfer to another course. In this scenario Kinharvie's Transfers and Cancellations policy will be applied, as per our Terms & Conditions.

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